Sunday, March 05, 2006

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things: "AOL: Screw you, we're taxing email anyway
Following on from a coalition launched by dozens of campaigning groups who opposed AOL's plan to charge a tax to guarantee delivery of the email they send to their supporters, AOL has vowed to deafen its ears to their pleas and proceed with its plan to establish a two-tier email system. AOL's spokesman An analyst sympathetic to AOL even used the word 'piffle' to dismiss the grave concerns of the organizations, which come from all points on the political spectrum and represent millions and millions of supporters:

'Balderdash and piffle,' replies Jennings. 'Nothing's really changed. If users are complaining about some e-mail, service providers will block the sender, whether or not they pay some sort of a bond or fee. There's no substantive change here. If you're an existing sender with a good reputation, you should have nothing to worry about . . . well, nothing new anyway.

Link (Thanks, Paul!)

Update: Erik Olson sez,

My answer to AOL's two-tier email will be simple. Once they start doing this, this will be placed in my sendmail access file: 550 AOL doesn't pay me to accept their email

I'd encourage others to do the same. Should enough do so, AOL subscribers might get annoyed that large portions of the Internet refuse to even accept th"

Decided to clean up a couple things.

     Ok Ok I've gotta log it in, that I did get a little bit off task.  It is now 3:55pm (CST) and I still havn't gotten around to working on yet.  Although I did do a little bit of cleaning to give my mom a bit of a break.  I cleaned up the downstairs as well as the remnence of dinner and put the leftovers in the fridge :-D...  Also I started the water distiller, so that when my mom wakes up another water is complete.

     I'm now sitting outside in this beautiful weather.  According to the little weather bar I've got on Mozilla it's telling me the temperature is 64f degrees,  if the damn wind wasn't blowing it would be just perfect outside.  However, I'm not complaining because tonight it is suppose to get down to 36f degrees!!!  YuCk!

     Okie Dokie peps.  I'm off to go work on my Ferrari Manuals now.

Just got up from a nap. Starting back up on last nights work.

Hello world I'm back up and alive.  I went to church this morning.  Came home ate a little dinner chatted with the fam a bit.  And after all that exciding entertainment I pushed the mind blowing experience even a bit fearther :-D  I decided to take a nap ;-)  As Zig Ziglar suggests anytime you can sneak a nap in is a good time.  It was only for little under and hour I would say and I'm finally up and ready to delve into the Interenet world :-)  Current project I'm planning on working on and getting some Ferrari Manuals up and ready for purchase and a dose of Google Adwords.